Thursday, 17 September 2009

The "little flower" visits England.

Looking ahead to the visit of the relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux to England and Wales from Catholic Church (England/Wales) on Vimeo.

The relics of Saint Therese have arrived in England!
The secular press have been unusually attentive to this event, and there has been some interesting reportage, devoid of the usual sneering one has come to expect.
The BBC covered the arrival of the relics here.
Here's an article in The Times about the arrival of the relics. Here is another one briefly explaining a little background to the Catholic interest in saintly relics.
And here is an account by Mary Kenny describing her observations of the very human yearning to "touch the supernatural" . She recounts how, when the saints bones toured Ireland a few years ago, the post modern cynicism of many of her countrymen was swept away. I seem to remember reading that three quarters of the entire population turned out to visit the relics.

Here is the website of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, which covers it very well.

I am very much hoping to go, although I am expecting to be taken in to have this baby a couple of weeks before my due date. That will be around the 9th or 10th. Her relics arrive in London on the 12th. The timing, from my point of view, could hardly be worse. But we'll see. I'm asking her to pray for me, and for England.


  1. Oooh, maybe a little homeschool outing may be in order? Gerrards Cross is quite close, or Oxford -- which might mean you could squeeze it in before the baby...

  2. Have baby on the 9th!! Then they can share a birthday with Bethany!! LOL
    Again praying that all is going well. I am thinking and hopeing to start my blog up again soon so keep visiting ;)


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